2023 Awards

2023 SACRPH Award Winners

SACRPH offers biennial awards for the best scholarship and service in planning history. Congratulations to all our prize winners and thank you to the prize committees who spent considerable time selecting them.

Prior years can be viewed here.

Laurence Gerckens Prize for teaching excellence and leadership

Lewis Mumford Prize for best book

Catherine Bauer Wurster Prize for best article

John Reps Prize for best dissertation

Journal of Planning History Prize for best article in the JPH

Prize Committee Members

Laurence Gerckens Prize

Awarded to a scholar-teacher who has demonstrated sustained teaching excellence in scholarship, teaching, and leadership in the field of planning history.


Margaret Crawford, University of California, Berkeley

Headshot of Margaret Crawford

Mark Rose, Florida Atlantic University

Headshot of Mark Rose

Lewis Mumford Prize

Awarded to the best book on American city and regional planning history published between August 1, 2021 and July 31, 2023.


Mike Amezcua, Georgetown University

Headshot of Mike Amezcua
Cover of Making Mexican Chicago

Catherine Bauer Wurster Prize

Awarded to the best scholarly article on American city and regional planning history in any journal, published between August 1, 2021 and July 31, 2023.


Maia Silber, Princeton University

Headshot of Maia Silber
Black and white photo of a black of working-class housing, a liquor store, and a factory.

John Reps Prize

Awarded to the best doctoral dissertation and the best masters thesis in American city and regional planning history, completed between August 1, 2021 and July 31, 2023.

Dissertation Co-Winners:

Daniel Graham Cumming, Johns Hopkins University

Headshot of Daniel Graham Cumming
Photo of an article about the Broadway Renewal Area with aerial view

Kristian Taketomo, University of Pennsylvania

Photo of a plan for a hypothetical metropolitan district
Headshot of Kristian Taketomo

Thesis Winner:

Calvin Tran Nguyen, Indiana Landmarks

Photo of Wing Phat Plaza
Headshot of Calvin Tran Nguyen

Journal of Planning History Prize

Awarded to the best article published in the Journal of Planning History, published between August 1, 2021 and July 31, 2023.


Todd M. Michney, Georgia Institute of Technology

Home Owners' Loan Corporation form
Headshot of Todd Michney
Todd Michney

Prize Committee Members

Thank you to the many SACRPH members who served on prize committees:  

  • Julian Chambless
  • Karilyn Crockett
  • Evan Friss
  • Michael Glass
  • Dylan Gottlieb
  • Nancy Kwak
  • Emily Lieb
  • June Manning Thomas
  • Rosemary Ndubuizu
  • Angel Nieves
  • Stephanie Ryberg-Webster
  • Sara Safransky
  • Susanna Schaller
  • Damon Scott
  • LaDale Winling