Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.SACRPH 2024 PAPER PANEL SUBMISSION FORMDirectionsPlease use this form to submit a complete Paper Panel Session to the SACRPH 2024 Program Committee At the bottom of the form, please upload a SINGLE PDF or Word file with the following: 1) Cover page with panel session title, list of participants and paper titles; 2) Overview of the session’s themes, significance, and format, in 100 words or less; 3) Abstracts of each paper in 100 words or less; 4) One-page CV for each participant. For the filename, please use this nomenclature: “Format, Short Panel Title”. Paper Panel Session Title *Please propose a succinct title for your programIs this panel In-Person or Virtual? *In-Person, Saturday, October 26, 2024Virtually (date TBD)Keywords for Panel *Please provide four keywords identifying the thematic emphases of the topic.How many people will participate in this panel (not counting chair or commentator)? *Three peopleFour peopleCHAIR and COMMENTATORHas a Chair and/or Commentator been confirmed for this panel? *Yes, a Chair has been confirmedYes, a Commentator has been confirmedA Chair and/or Commentator has not been identifiedPanel Chair: Name *FirstMiddleLastPanel Chair: Institution or Professional Organization *Panel Chair: Email *Panel Chair: Time Zone for Virtual Presentation *EasternCentralMountainPacificAsian time zonesEuropean time zonesOther time zonesIn what time zone would this person potentially be presenting from? Panel Commenter: Name *FirstMiddleLastPanel Commenter: Institution or Professional Organization *Panel Commenter: Email *Panel Commentator: Time Zone for Virtual Presentation *EasternCentralMountainPacificAsian time zonesEuropean time zonesOther time zonesIn what time zone would this person potentially be presenting from? Potential Names for Chair or Commentator, if none listed: *Please provide names of potential Chairs and/or Commentators for this panel, if either is not provided here. PARTICIPANT 1 and LEAD CONTACTParticipant 1 and Lead Contact: Name *FirstMiddleLastParticipant 1 and Lead Contact: Institution or Professional Organization (copy) *Participant 1 and Lead Contact: Email *Participant 1 and Lead Contact: Mobile Phone Number *Participant 1 and Lead Contact: Time Zone for Virtual Presentation *EasternCentralMountainPacificAsian time zonesEuropean time zonesOther time zonesIn what time zone would this person potentially be presenting from? Participant 1 and Lead Contact: Title of Paper *PARTICIPANT 2Participant 2: Name *FirstMiddleLastParticipant 2: Institution or Professional Organization *Participant 2: Email *Participant 2: Time Zone for Virtual Presentation *EasternCentralMountainPacificAsian time zonesEuropean time zonesOther time zonesIn what time zone would this person potentially be presenting from? Participant 2: Title of Paper *PARTICIPANT 3Participant 3: Name *FirstMiddleLastParticipant 3: Institution or Professional Organization *Participant 3: Email *Participant 3: Time Zone for Virtual Presentation *EasternCentralMountainPacificAsian time zonesEuropean time zonesOther time zonesIn what time zone would this person potentially be presenting from? Participant 3: Title of Paper *PARTICIPANT 4Participant 4: Name *FirstMiddleLastParticipant 4: Institution or Professional Organization *Participant 4: Email *Participant 4: Time Zone for Virtual Presentation *EasternCentralMountainPacificAsian time zonesEuropean time zonesOther time zonesIn what time zone would this person potentially be presenting from? Participant 4: Title of Paper *FINAL NOTES AND UPLOADAdditional Notes for SACRPH 2024 Program Committee (Optional)Upload a SINGLE PDF or Word file, per directions below. * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload a SINGLE PDF or Word file with the following: 1) Cover page with panel session title, list of participants and paper titles; 2) Overview of the session’s themes, significance, and format, in 100 words or less; 3) Abstracts of each paper in 100 words or less; 50 4) One-page CV for each participant. For the filename, please use this nomenclature: “Format, Short Panel Title”. EmailSubmit