Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Deadline Passed (February 22, 2013)

The 15th National Conference on Planning History
Toronto Downtown Courtyard Marriott Hotel
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
October 3-6, 2013

SACRPH cordially invites papers on all aspects of urban, regional, and community planning history. Particularly welcome are papers or complete sessions addressing architecture, planning, geography, and landscape design in Canada and The Americas broadly conceived; comparative and global studies of planning; and studies that consider race, ethnicity, class, gender, and sexuality. We also encourage papers that examine planning before the nineteenth century, as well as colonial planning in any era. Thursday afternoon sessions will be dedicated to issues affecting the Toronto region, and SACRPH wishes to extend a special welcome to practitioners based (or interested) in this region. On Sunday morning, attendees will choose from a range of tours.

SACRPH is an interdisciplinary organization dedicated to promoting scholarship on the history of planning cities and metropolitan regions. Its members include planners, geographers, historians, environmentalists, architects, landscape designers, public policy makers, preservationists, community organizers, students and scholars from across the country and around the world. SACRPH publishes a quarterly journal, the Journal of Planning History, hosts the biennial conference, and sponsors awards for research and publication in the field of planning history.

The program committee welcomes proposals for either individual papers or whole sessions of three or four papers with commentator, and we also encourage submissions that propose innovative formats and that engage aspects of teaching and learning, digital information, and publishing. We will also issue separate calls for participation in a proposal-writing workshop, a new media session, and a poster session for undergraduates and masters students. Submissions must include the following materials:

  • a one-page abstract of each paper, clearly marked with title and participant’s name;
  • a one-page c.v. for each participant, including address, telephone, and e-mail;
  • for individual papers, four key words identifying the thematic emphases of the topic;
  • for session proposals, a one-paragraph overview of the session’s themes and significance and a description of the format (regular panel, roundtable, workshop).

Proposals must be sent by February 22, 2013 to in the form of a single attached MS Word file. (Persons proposing full sessions should include the abstracts and c.v.s of all session participants in one file.) Please format the proposal with a standard 12-point font and 1.25-inch side margins. Do not include illustrations.

Inquiries regarding the program may be directed to the Program Committee Co- Chairs: Nancy Kwak, Assistant Professor of History, University of California, San Diego ; or Kristin Larsen, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Urban and Regional Planning.

The conference will take place at Marriott’s Courtyard Toronto Downtown. Toronto is served by Amtrak, Greyhound, the Toronto Pearson International Airport, and several regional airports.

For non-program-related information about the conference, please contact Prof. Joseph Heathcott at the New School. Or, to offer assistance with local arrangements, please contact Prof. Robert Lewis at the University of Toronto.