Guidelines for Panelists
Presentation Time Limits
Please limit the length of your presentation to allow time for your fellow panelists and for audience discussion. For a typical three-paper session, the presentation of an individual paper must be no more than twenty minutes in length. For a four-paper session, please limit your presentation to fifteen minutes.
You may choose to read from a presentation-length written paper or draw selectively from a longer piece. If you choose to read, you should use the rule-of-thumb that each double-spaced page takes roughly two minutes (and so prepare written remarks of 7.5 or 10 pages, respectively). If you are presenting from a longer paper, please submit the full paper (no more than article length) to your discussant.
We ask for the support of all participants to ensure that sessions are accessible for all attendees. Please see the Accessibility Guidelines for SACRPH 2022. We have prioritized and invested in accessibility, but we acknowledge that people may need different or additional accommodations than those described in the above link. We encourage people to contact the SACRPH 2022 Program Committee at in advance so we can make our best efforts to meet these needs.
Paper Deadline and Roles for Chairs and Commentators
You are responsible for turning in a brief c.v. and draft of your paper to your session chair and commentator no later than October 1, 2022, unless your session chair and commentator has directly indicated a different due date. Chairs and commentators should send all presenters an email indicating where to send these. Please note that SACRPH takes the role of commentator seriously, and commentators can only prepare remarks that provide a thoughtful and cogent response to your paper if they have received it well in advance of the conference. Closer to the conference, the session chair should also collect electronic presentations for those using Powerpoint (or equivalent) so that all presentations can be uploaded onto a single computer in advance of each session
Audio/Visual Needs
All rooms will be equipped with a projector and screen. You MUST bring a laptop if you would like to use this equipment; you must also bring any necessary cords or cables to connect your laptop to the projector, including any adapters needed to connect to HDMI. To ensure quality and consistency, presenters planning to show video or play audio should be prepared to do so directly from their hard drive or thumb drive, not via wifi. Please let us know as soon as possible if you have any special a/v needs, and we will try to accommodate you.
Registration and Scheduling
All participants are required to register for the conference. No unregistered speaker will be allowed on the program.